On a recent trip to the gym, I came across a health-promoting supplement, but I didn't know about it at all at the training session. Later, when I went to the Internet, I found out that this is actually a well-known franchise, and they make their own program, sell it as well as purchase it. product. I decided to go ahead and try it. DilutionsFortunately, the main thing that I liked the most during this period was water. During training sessions, I always had a bottle of water nearby. I decided to refill it regularly. And so it turned out to be a fairly simple thing to do. I only had to do it once. And in the end, it was quite pleasant. In the morning, I would drink a couple of glasses and go about my business. It was a month later, and I feel much better now that I know what it is. The effect has been rather dramatic. It was difficult at first, but once I got used to it, the pain in the stomach has become less and less. I now sit and simply do not feel it. And I I drink water regularly. I have a rule that I drink 1.5 liters of water in the evening, and in the morning I drink even less. It doesn't seem to make any difference to the volume. It depends on the individual, and in General I would not change it. At the same time, I drink it in moderation, I don't dare to drink more than 2 liters of water at a time. This is necessary in order to not to saturate the body with water. In General, I now drink in the usual way, just water, namely, tea, and it makes a difference. The bottle doesn't seem to make any difference to its contents. In General, I now drink in the usual way, just water, namely, tea, and it makes a difference. The bottle doesn't seem to make any difference to its contents. In General, I drink in the usual way, just water, namely, tea and water (not exactly exactly exactly, I'm afraid). And I generally do without imitations, except for those that are convenient. DilutionsMost of the companies that I've been using lately I was just surprised by their simplicity. Dilutions are quite effective, and they don't seem to be able to help at all. If you want to try it, then be sure to do it correctly. Perhaps this is just me, but I just want to gently remind you that you need to measure the volume correctly, and not in words. Thank you for reading this article, if you if you have something to add or tell us, write comments or questions. Dmitry Klokov is not you, he is more likely still a mystery to you. questions.If you